Showing 157 results
What to do in a motor accident? A comprehensive practical guide to motor accident claims in Singapore As part of our commitment to increase public access to practical legal knowledge, we have put together this comprehensive and practical... [More]
Adjudications under the SOP Act and Performance Bonds: Can Progress Claims be Made to Recover Performance Bond Proceeds Only?  Introduction The High Court gave valuable guidance on whether adjudications under the Building and... [More]
This issue was brought to the forefront in a recent case, Public Prosecutor v Jurong Country Club [2019] SGHC 150.  Jurong Country Club (“JCC”) was charged under the Central Provident Fund Act, Chapter 36 (“CPFA”) for failing to pay... [More]
Update on the New Guides Issued by the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) of Singapore on 22 May 2019  Introduction On 22 May 2019, the Personal Data Protection Commission and the Singapore Business Federation co-organised a... [More]
The Payment Services Act has been passed and (“PSA”) aims to regulate all payment services and payment service providers in Singapore. Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) has recently closed the consultation for the accompanying regulations. Moving... [More]
Tactical Silence: Singapore Court of Appeal Rules on the Remedies Available to a Non-Participating Respondent to an Arbitration Who Objects on Jurisdictional Grounds Why this is important In Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Ltd v Avant Garde Maritime... [More]
Payment Claims and the SIA Form of Contracts: Can Payment Claims be Made After the Issuance of the Final Certificate? Introduction The Court of Appeal provided valuable guidance on the scope of its earlier decision in Audi... [More]
Emerging trends in technology disputes and how to effectively manage risks  The world is seeing a rapid increase in technology disputes and it is crucial that Corporate Counsel is aware of the ways to manage such disputes in efficient ways... [More]
Why is this important? What happens when you realise that your opponent in arbitration has commenced parallel litigation? Or worse, what happens when you discover that judgment has already been obtained in the litigation and enforcement proceedings are... [More]
The EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement (the “Investment Agreement”) was signed on 19 October 2018. The Investment Agreement is now in the process of ratification by all EU member states and will soon come into force. Once it comes into... [More]