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Harry Elias Partnership LLP acts in pivotal divorce case allowing CPF monies owed to be withdrawn before the age of 55
Partner Koh Tien Hua acted in a pivotal divorce case successfully getting monies awarded to a divorcee to be paid out from her husband’s CPF account in advance despite restrictions imposed by the CPF Act then. Mr Koh acted for the Wife, a former vice-president of a...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP represents Law Society of Singapore in first Champerty case in 35 years
Champerty – when a lawyer agrees to help a client on the basis that he gets a share of the proceeds from a case if it is successful – is currently forbidden in Singapore although it has been decriminalized or abandoned in several Western jurisdictions. However in...
HEP Law Office appoints new partner in Brunei
We are pleased to announce that Ms Neilia Tan is now the new Partner of Brunei HEP Law Office with effect from 1 June 2014. Ms Tan brings with her, extensive experience in civil, commercial and criminal litigation, both during private practice and during public...
$168 million Share Acquisition of AEW VIA Cayman 2 by Guthrie GTS Limited
In a recent transaction, Harry Elias Partnership LLP acted for an indirect wholly–owned subsidiary of Guthrie GTS Limited in the acquisition of a key investment asset, a 7-storey commercial building located in the central business district of Singapore, with a total...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP assists substructure contractor in resisting main contractor’s application to set aside an Adjudication Determination
In a recent payment dispute between two contractors, Harry Elias Partnership LLP assisted a substructure contractor in successfully resisting a main contractor’s application to the High Court to set aside an Adjudication Determination obtained pursuant to the Building...
Proposed Placement of up to 190,000,000 New Ordinary Shares for Nam Cheong Limited
Harry Elias Partnership LLP acted for Nam Cheong Limited, a mainboard listed company, in a recent placement exercise to raise capital of approximately SGD48 million under the terms of a conditional placement agreement entered into on 10 January 2013. Up to 190 million...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP and ICPAS host Corporate Ethics & Governance Seminar
To educate businesses on how they can react and protect themselves, the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore (ICPAS) has partnered with Harry Elias Partnership LLP to host a Corporate Ethics & Governance Seminar. The seminar took place on...
Harry Elias Partnership LLP Represented Sun Venture in the acquisition of Robinson Point
The corporate and real estate practice groups of Harry Elias Partnership LLP recently acted for Sun Venture in the acquisition of Robinson Point, a 21-storey freehold CBD office block. The transaction was undertaken through the purchase of various intervening special...
Singapore Land Authority renews contract with Harry Elias Partnership
The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) has extended its contract with Harry Elias Partnership LLP (HEP) for an additional year, in addition to the original 2-year tenure. Under the contract, HEP will render and advise on all legal matters pertaining to SLA and its...
HEP Pro Bono Services: More, Bigger, Better
“Pro Bono” (“pro bono publico,” from the Latin, “for the public good.”) It’s a tradition of service. . .giving back to society. . .ensuring fair, equal access to professional skills for those who need them most, but can least afford them. For Mr. Harry Elias S C,...