EHE Crisis Response: COVID-19 Pandemic and Your Risks

EHE Crisis Response: COVID-19 Pandemic and Your Risks
12 Mar 2020

This morning we woke up to the news that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the COVID-19 outbreak to be a pandemic in view of its alarming levels of spread and severity.

Looking from a risk management standpoint, we have identified three major categories of risks that businesses should consider:

Legal Risks

Organizations will likely find that their contractual arrangements are disrupted for a prolonged period. Three questions arise:

  • What is my legal position if the other party refuses to continue with the contract, citing, for example, a force majeure clause or relying on the doctrine of frustration?
  • What is the consequence if my business is unable to comply with its contractual obligations?
  • How can I manage the situation and find solutions?

Technology Risks

In response to COVID-19, many offices have already implemented work from home procedures, enabling their employees to work remotely. In doing so, businesses should be aware of the following issues:

  • What is the risk in terms of my corporate data security when my employees are working from home? What are my obligations to ensure secure communications?
  • How can I protect ourselves from online scams and phishing emails that have increased dramatically to target the public’s desire for information on COVID-19?
  • Do I know what my regulatory and contractual notification obligations are in the event of a cybersecurity breach?

Public Relations Risks

COVID-19 has also triggered misinformation across mass and social media channels. Companies affected by either fake news or suspected cases of COVID-19 should also take the following into consideration:

  • Do I have a response plan if there is a COVID-19 infection involving my company’s staff? 
  • Who needs to be informed regarding this incident?
  • How do I manage the social media storm that may arise from such a fallout?

EHE Crisis Response

Crisis response matters. EHE has a dedicated EHE Crisis Response Hotline.

EHE can provide a non-obligatory initial consultation for your GC and management. In all initial communications, please state your company name, contact details and specific queries to obtain a quick response.

Hotline:          + 65 8727 1533

We can be reached via voice call, SMS, WhatsApp, Line, Viber and Telegram.

Email : 

For more information, please contact our Business Development Manager, Ricky Soetikno at